In mid-march 2020 the world hit pause. For many, that was the beginning of the Home Alone experience. Stay home, social distance, wash your hands. This theme became pervasive in my artwork.

Home Alone
Juried into N3XT Exhibition, 2020
Acrylic on paper on board
15” x 22”
April 2020

Me myself and I
Intellectually charged conversations!
The very best kind of discussion ever.
Acrylic on canvas
22” x 30”

Between you and me
Juried into N3XT Exhibition, 2020
Acrylic on canvas
30” x 30”
March 2020

Safe in a Bubble
Acrylic on canvas
24” x 24”
May 2020

Too much time for contemplation
Acrylic on canvas
24” x 24”
May 2020

Just Listen
Acrylic on canvas
24” x 24”
March 2020

Oh little dreamer
Acrylic on raw canvas mounted on stretched canvas
24” x 22”
May 2020

Oh little dreamer
Here is another view of the above painting - it is raw canvas, mounted on raw canvas. This is how it looks hanging in my home gallery.

I want to go dancing
Acrylic on paper mounted on plywood
22” x 15”
May 2020

Love ya
Acrylic on canvas
18” x 14”
April 2020

Seeking courage to leave home
Acrylic on panel
12” x 12”
October 2020

Time time time
Acrylic on canvas
12” x 12”
May 2020

Peace (and quiet)
Acrylic on panel
12” x 12”
May 2020

My brain on overdrive
Acrylic on panel
12” x 12”
May 2020